8 teams register for the Nairobi Masters series. 

Nairobi masters will take place this weekend at City Park stadium and 8 teams have registered to take part in the series. The newest member to join is Sikh Union Veterans. 

The tournament will be played in 2 pools. Pool A comprises of Nakuru Masters, Wazalendo Veterans, Parkroad Veterans and Kisumu Masters.

Pool B comprises of Blue Ocean Chiefs, Impala Veterans, Greensharks Veterans, and Sikh Union Nairobi Veterans. 

All matches will be 20 minutes each way with a 2 minute changeover break – At the end of each match, teams will have only 5 minutes to get out of the pitch during which time the incoming teams will spend the same 5 minutes to get into the pitch and be ready for the next match. Any delays or lateness by the team will attract a personal penalty to the team captain. 

The tournament kicks off at 9 am with Nakuru Masters taking on Kisumu Masters. This is the same on Saturday and Sunday.